Thursday, April 24, 2014

ODI JMS driver IKMs in 12c


ODI has the concept of knowledge modules that encapsulate and re-use the heavy lifting logic required for data movement. There are several KMs authored targeting different data sources. A big shift occurred in the world of ODI data flow control by the introduction of flow-based mapping in 12c. This component obviated many of the limitations imposed by ODI Interfaces in pre-12c days. 12c also introduced the concept of component KMs and global KMs. When desinging a mapping, most of the time an appropriate component KM gets chosen by default - whether it be for loading or integration.

JMS....JMS..wherefore art thou JMS

A pretty significant gotcha crept in for the particular case of JMS or JMS XML as target. If you design a mapping with a datastore from these technology types as target then you know that for the data to be actually sent to the JMS Queue/Topic you need to choose the JMS-specific IKM. Here lies the catch. Although you may have imported the IKM into your project when you go to the target datastore configuration to set the IKM you may not find it there. If this happens to you check the LKM that is being used. The JMS-specific IKMs are designated as multi-connect KMs and in ODI 12c if you want to use a multi-connect IKM then your LKM must also be multi-connect.
So the solution is to switch your LKM to one of the multi-connect component KMs or template KMs.

If you see similar symptoms with other KM combinations remember this : check your KM to see if they are multi-connect.